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Why is Stress Management Important?

Stress management is one of the most important aspects of a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. Unfortunately, it can be incredibly tough to stay calm and keep stress and occasional anxiety at bay in the midst of all of the struggles and stressors of everyday life. However, while managing your stress can be tough, it’s far from impossible. At R3SET, we’re committed to giving you the information, resources, and confidence that you need to conquer stress and live a calmer, happier life.

In this post, we’ll be walking you through the many aspects of a comprehensive stress management routine. In addition, we’ll discuss the importance of stress management and how stress can negatively affect your physical and mental health.

Don’t let stress rule your life – you’ve got power over it, not the other way around! By following the steps discussed in this article, you may be able to build up a strong defense against stress and occasional episodes of anxiety and have more mental energy to focus on the things that you love. 

How Stress Messes With Your Body

Stress affects your physical health in significant ways. When you are stressed, there are three key systems in your body that are engaged – your nervous system, your endocrine system, and your immune system. Your body is set up with natural defenses to address stress, and these defenses kick in in response to perceived threats. However, the effects of stress can trick your body into kicking its defensive responses into gear, even when there is no threat to your life present.

Stress And Your Nervous System 

Your nervous system has a built-in reaction to stress called the “fight-or-flight” response. When you are in a potentially threatening situation, your nervous system reacts by releasing signals and chemicals that help you react quickly. The primary chemicals involved in your nervous system’s fight-or-flight response are cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone. While these chemicals can help your body and mind properly react to dangerous, life-threatening situations, they can also lead to problems when they are produced in excessive or continuous amounts .

If you are experiencing chronic stress, your fight-or-flight response is kicking into gear at times when it shouldn’t. While the fight-or-flight response can help you act quickly to save yourself from oncoming traffic or an armed burglar, it’s much less helpful when you’re feeling overwhelmed by troubling circumstances that aren’t a threat to your life. When your fight-or-flight response gets engaged too often, it can lead to problems like adrenal fatigue and constantly feeling on edge, even when nothing seems to be wrong. When your nervous system gets tricked into constantly engaging your fight-or-flight response, the resulting stress and occasional anxiety can be crippling.

Stress And Your Immune System 

In addition to affecting your nervous system, stress also has a negative impact on your immune system. The excessive production of cortisol caused by chronic stress can lead to a compromised immune system in the long run, making you more vulnerable to getting sick. If you’ve found yourself catching colds and getting infections more often in recent years, it may be a sign that there has been an uptick in your levels of stress.

Stress And Your Endocrine System

Finally, chronic stress also has a negative impact on your endocrine system. Your brain is connected to the endocrine system by the hypothalamus, a part of your brain responsible for communicating with the endocrine system during times of stress. When you are stressed, the hypothalamus signals your adrenal glands to kick into gear, causing increased production of cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). As you’ve now learned, these hormones can have a significant negative impact on your body when they are produced in large quantities.

While stress can have serious negative effects on your overall health, there are plenty of ways to minimize its negative impact. In the next section of this post, we’ll be discussing some of the best stress management techniques to put into place in your everyday life. By putting these habits into practice on a daily basis, you can maintain a calmer mind that is less affected by stressors at the workplace, or from relationships, finances, major life changes, and more.

Where Is Your Stress Coming From? 

Stress can enter your life from all directions. The primary sources of stress and anxiety in your life are known as stressors. Anything can be a stressor – even something that serves an important and beneficial purpose in your life. The more important something is to you, the more potential that thing has to be a stressor. Identifying the primary stressors in your life is one of the most important steps towards effective stress management. Below are a few of the most universal stressors – these are the aspects of life that can cause stress for anyone.

Stress Related to Current Events 

We live in stressful times. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 brought with it a wave of anxiety related to health, finances, and more for millions of people around the world. The pandemic forced many people to adjust and adapt major aspects of their lives. For some, this meant working from home instead of heading to the office each day. For others, it has meant loss of employment entirely. No matter who you are, current events have inevitably affected you in some way.

There’s no shame in feeling stressed out by the current state of the world. While current events can be a source of near-constant stress for some, it’s important to remember that you’re in charge of stress, not the other way around. You have the power to stay calm and make the most of your circumstances, even when anxiety is threatening to overwhelm you.

Stress Related to Relationships 

While relationships can bring you plenty of joy and fulfillment, they can also be stressors. Even the healthiest relationships can be sources of stress from time to time. Furthermore, if you’re dealing with relational stress such as a divorce, or problems with family members or other employees at work, it can make you feel lonely and isolated. However, by practicing effective communication, resolving conflicts as quickly as possible, and prioritizing healthy, long-lasting relationships, you can minimize relational stress and respond well when it comes your way. Nevertheless, if you feel you are alone or struggling, by all means seek support from a healthcare professional. 

Stress Related to Work and Finances 

Your career and your financial security can be two of the biggest sources of stress in your day-to-day life. If you’re feeling worn out and overwhelmed every day after you finish your workday, it may be a sign that your job is a primary stressor. Likewise, if anything related to your finances makes you feel anxious and out of control, this may indicate that money-related woes are one of your biggest stressors.

Keeping Stress to A Minimum 

Stress management doesn’t need to be hard. At R3SET, we believe in keeping your stress-fighting routine as simple and streamlined as possible – you don’t want your stress defense habits to become stressors themselves! That’s why we’ve made our stress-supporting supplements as easy to take as possible. Our CALM and UNWIND capsules include a blend of 12 active botanical ingredients to help you conquer stress and stay focused and energized throughout the day. These 12 ingredients target areas across the 3 systems impacted by stress - we’ve done the homework to find a formula providing support across these 3 systems - no one else has taken our approach!*

CALM and UNWIND are formulated with our signature blend of natural stress fighters. These ingredients include valerian root, chamomile, L-Theanine, lemon balm, passion flower, ashwagandha, and more. To learn more about R3SET supplements, visit our products page by clicking here. 

In addition to taking R3SET supplements, you can also address stress by implementing calming habits in your everyday life. Below are some of the best anti-stress practices to include in your daily routine.

  • Meditation. Practicing meditation has been linked to lower stress levels – and it’s something anyone can do. All it takes to meditate is a quiet place and intentional focusing. Things like practicing yoga and remembering to deep breath can also contribute to a calmer state of mind  
  • Exercise. Moving your body promotes the release of endorphins, hormones that are linked with feelings of calm and happiness. You don’t need a gym membership or to do intense exercise to fight stress, either – just 30 minutes of physical activity each day will do the trick.
  • Getting enough sleep. When you get the rest you need, you’re setting yourself up to fight stress more effectively in the morning. Aim for 7-8 hours per night whenever you can.
  • Eat well. A healthy diet can help you fight stress by supplying your body with important nutrients. Focus on the bulk of your diet as plant based, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and other nutrient-dense foods.


There are plenty of stressors in life, but there are also plenty of ways to keep your stress to a minimum. By practicing stress-fighting habits, taking calming supplements each day, and focusing on cultivating a healthy relationship with the various aspects of your life, you can work your way towards a calmer, happier mind. 

To learn more about the different aspects of stress management, as well as how R3SET supplements can help you conquer stress, make sure to check out our blog. There, you’ll find plenty of helpful information about the science of stress management and the ingredients included in our signature blend of stress fighters. 



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