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Everything You Need to Know About Stress Management

Stress Is Now Under New Management

Hello and welcome to my first inaugural blog post! I am delighted to have the opportunity to provide education and resources to make stress work for you! At R3SET, our focus as experts in stress is to provide you with the most timely and scientifically backed information so you can take back your life, reduce harmful stress, and harness the positive effects stress can have on your life. 
In this first blog, I’ll be giving you a brief background on stress. If you’d like to learn more, I invite you to visit our website which is rich with information and resources you’ll find not only information but also interesting. 
You may be asking yourself, “Who is this guy giving me all this information about how I can make stress work for me? Does he know what he’s talking about?” I get it; I would be asking that question too! Here’s a little background on me so you can trust that I know what I’m talking about.


I’m a medical doctor by training. Research that ultimately led me to formulate R3SET, began over 25 years ago in the Department of Neuropharmacology at Boston University Medical School, as well as collaborations with researchers affiliated with both the Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. 
This early research was focused on brain-body communication pathways and neurologic conditions; it especially focused on communication of the nervous system within various systems in the body. I developed and patented key technology, started a Biotech company where I eventually licensed the technology to Allergan, Inc., where I spent time as a Medical Director. There I worked on advancing the technology focused on the treatment of neurogenic inflammation, which is where the nervous system initiates an immune response, leading to chronic inflammation and pain. 


I moved into the Consumer Healthcare industry, heading up Global Innovation and New Product Development at Bayer HealthCare. My role there was to develop innovation, new technology, and to lead Product Development operations for the global  $2 billion+ per year portfolio of Bayer’s iconic consumer health Brands (Aspirin, Aleve, One-A-Day, Alka-Seltzer, and many others). From Bayer I moved into the Medical Device Industry, holding senior roles as a Chief Medical Officer at a company focused on cancer, and most recently as Chief Scientific and Medical Officer for a start-up focused on nutrition solutions for very sick patients. Throughout these positions, I have submitted close to 200 records of invention, a large number of which have become US and/or international patents or applications. We already have a patent and trademarks submitted for our R3SET approach to stress, with several more in the works. 


Hopefully you know you can trust that I know what I’m talking about. Now let’s get to the good stuff -- stress!

Why Focus on Stress?

“Stress” has been dubbed the “Health Epidemic of the 21st Century” by the World Health Organization and is estimated to cost American businesses up to $300 billion a year1. The effect of stress on our emotional and physical health can be devastating. In a recent study, over 50 percent of individuals felt stress negatively impacted work productivity, and between 1983 and 2009, stress levels increased by 10 to 30 percent among all demographic groups in the USA1. The current population of young adults is among the most stressed out of all generations; with social pressures, education, work, the uncertainty of the future, etc. Our grade school and high school students are worried about gun violence and the ever-growing use of social media, and the pressure to perform at the top of their game, and that’s just to name just a few. Additionally, job stress is by far the common cause of stress for American adults, and it continues to progressively grow each decade, contributing to an increased risk of heart attack, hypertension, obesity, addiction, anxiety, depression, and other serious medical disorders1. In order to slow this trend, I believe that finding holistic solutions to master stress on the individual level will lead to a reduction in chronic diseases and create a less stressed society. So basically, all the incremental stress masteries of each and every human will add up to a society that understands how to deal with stress and is healthier and happier as a rule, not as an exception. 

R3SET’s other two co-founders, Barton Warner, our CEO, and Harris Rabin, our Chief Commercial Officer, are both highly respected veterans in the consumer health space who know how to educate and provide real health solutions. Between the three of us, we have over 75 years of experience in the Consumer Health space. If we include our world-class partners, we have well over 150 years of experience that we are collectively focusing ONLY on one condition - Stress Mastery!

Our goal as THE Stress Experts... to develop effective, scientifically created products to support your stress response. More importantly, however, is that we bring awareness to the ever-growing issue of stress in society and educate you on how you can master your stress and live your life to its fullest! 

Part of this education starts with our 14-day R3SET program which consists of 14 simple tasks that will help you understand and master your stress in a less stressful way. 


This is what the program won’t be: There’s no counting those dreaded steps, having to close all your rings on your smart watch, eating only celery, or going to the gym 5 days per week. That stuff is stressful! Our approach is something entirely different, and dare we say, enjoyable.
There are no other companies today with our level of expertise who are solely committed to educating you on stress and offering education on how to master it! Just take a look at our Scientific Advisors: 

Scientific Advisory Board: 

Michelle Barrett, PhD. 

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Alliant University, formerly California School of Professional Psychology
  • Served as an Associate Professor of Psychology and served as Dept. Chair and Director of the Psy.D. program at the College of Saint Elizabeth 
  • Researcher, Consultant in Counseling Psychology 
  • Clinical Supervisor and Certified Yoga Instructor
  • Licensed Psychologist in New Jersey and California, with expertise in managing stress and anxiety, as well as expertise in mindfulness

Amelia Aldeo, PhD.

  • PhD from Yale University, Undergraduate degree in Psychology from University of Pennsylvania
  • Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, Professor of Psychology
  • Former Associate Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University
  • Founder Together CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
  • Founder & Director, Psychopathology & Affective Sciences Lab

Lori Nathanson, PhD, RYT 

  • Undergraduate degree in psychology, education, and policy at Duke University (BA) and interdisciplinary studies for her doctorate in Risk and Prevention in Education Sciences as an Institutes for Education Sciences predoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia (PhD).
  • Former director of partnerships for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and an associate research scientist in the Department of Psychology
  • Researcher with expertise in emotional intelligence, education consultant, meditator, Reiki practitioner, and Certified Yoga Instructor

Jennifer Stuart, PhD.

  • PhD from Columbia University
  • Associate Dean of Graduate and Executive programs and Clinical Professor, UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business
  • Researcher with expertise in the domain of understanding the psychology of consumers and human behavior.
  • Over 15 years of experience in Consumer Health Industry


What you can expect from the R3SET Blog: 

The best way to master anything is to learn about it, so through my blog, I will be educating you on things like stress and your body’s response to it and simple ways to harness the positive effects of stress using tools we have developed here at R3SET.


On behalf of all of us here at R3SET, we look forward to bringing you awareness, education, and tools so you can Master your Stress!

Eric First, M.D., FAIS


  1. Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior: Handbook of Stress Series, Volume 1 (Handbook in Stress). Academic Press; 1st Ed. Fink G., Ed,  2016. 


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