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The Best Herbs For Falling Asleep Naturally

Are you tossing and turning through the night? Do you rarely get the amount of sleep that you need? Do you struggle with sleep disorders? Are you experiencing insomnia, occasional sleeplessness,poor sleep, or when bedtime comes around, do you tend to feel jittery, on-edge, and overwhelmed by the stresses of the day? 

Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll be discussing the best natural, herbal supplements to turn to aid you when you’re struggling to get the rest that you need each night.

Sleep is one of your most important defenses against stress and anxiety. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, you are setting yourself up to struggle with focusing, experience frequent dips in your energy, and react poorly to unexpected circumstances. The recommended amount of sleep per night for adults is between 7 and 8 hours. 

However, you might need even more rest depending on different factors. That might seem like a tough goal to achieve, especially if you’re fond of staying up late. However, it’s worth it to do whatever it takes to get the sleep you need each night – even if it means making changes to your lifestyle to create better sleeping habits.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss the best herbs for falling asleep naturally. All of these herbal ingredients are included in R3SET’s Unwind capsules, which include a high-quality blend of calming ingredients to help you relax before bed and sleep well through the night and avoid daytime sleepiness. 

For best results, pair a nightly Unwind capsule with a daily dose of R3SET’s daytime stress supporter, Calm

Let’s get started!

1. Chamomile 

Chamomile is commonly enjoyed as a tea, but this flower can also be taken as a supplement. Many people swear by drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea before bed, and they’re definitely onto something. 

This popular herbal remedy has been linked to increased levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid in your brain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid, also known as GABA, is a neurotransmitter that binds to proteins in your brain called GABA receptors. As the neurotransmitter binds with these proteins, the result is a calming effect. For this reason, GABA is oftentimes referred to as the “brakes of the brain”.

Because chamomile positively interacts with GABA, it’s a nice addition to your bedtime routine. You can add this calming herb to your nighttime ritual as a tea, as a supplement, or both. 

2. Valerian Root 

Valerian is a plant native to some parts of Europe and Asia. Like chamomile, this herbal remedy is widely used as a natural sleep aid thanks to its positive impact on GABA production in your brain*. 

The calming effects of valerian root are supported by several scientific studies. Valerian root serves as an ingredient that promotes relaxation without any harmful ingredients.

Like chamomile, valerian root can either be enjoyed as a tea or taken as a supplement.

3. Relora© 

Relora© is an ingredient that has been used for centuries to promote calm and to help ease the mind. It also can be an ingredient to include in your bedtime supplement routine.

Research on Relora© has shown that the herbal remedy can help to reduce stress, making it a great addition to your supplement regimen, both during the day and at night. 

One study examined the results of taking 250 mg of Relora© in the morning and 250 mg at night. The results showed that Relora© had a significant impact on stress levels in subjects.

If you’re looking to manage stress and stay calm during the daytime and nighttime, Relora© is one ingredient that may be worth considering. 

You can take it as a standalone supplement, or get it from R3SET’s novel formulations of active and botanical  ingredients to help combat the symptoms of stress.

4. L-Theanine

Another focus-boosting ingredient that people commonly get from tea, L-Theanine is a member of a group of compounds known as non-essential amino acids. This amino acid is one of the primary compounds found in green and black tea, as well as in certain mushrooms. It’s known for its calming effect on the mind, as well as for providing a boost of focus and mental energy. 

Many people enjoy drinking green and black tea as alternatives to coffee, which is higher in caffeine and can sometimes cause energy crashes. While green and black tea still contain some caffeine, they’re much less caffeinated than the average cup of coffee, and they also contain a solid dose of L-Theanine per cup, which coffee does not. If you want to get a boost of mental energy during your workday, consider swapping coffee for green tea – it’s loaded with antioxidants, lower in caffeine than coffee or black tea, and contains at least 20 mg of L-Theanine per cup. That’s a big win for your productivity, your taste buds, and your body.

In addition to getting L-Theanine from tea, you can also take the compound as a supplement. L-Theanine is one of the primary ingredients in R3SET’s Calm capsules, which are the daytime counterpart to our Unwind supplements. CALM is designed to help you support maintain your cognitive performance and mental energy throughout the day while supporting your body’s response to fighting off stress and occasional episodes of anxiety*.

Unwind – A Novel Blend of Active natural and Botanical Calming Ingredients to Help You Sleep 

If you’re struggling to get the sleep you need at night, R3SET’s Unwind capsules are the perfect supplement for you. Our novel blend of calming ingredients is made without any drowsiness-inducing antihistamines or lab-formulated melatonin. Instead, it comprises a blend of  high-quality natural active and botanical ingredients to help calm your mind and get you ready for bedtime. 

The Unwind formula includes ingredients formulated in specific amounts; lemon balm, ahiflower oil, ashwagandha, passionflower, L-Theanine, valerian root, PharmaGABA™, chamomile, and beta-caryophyllene. Each of these ingredients has been studied in several scientific studies for it’s effects on stress.

To learn more about Unwind, visit our products page by clicking here.

When is the Best Time to Take Sleep Supplements? 

Ideally, it’s best to take herbs for sleep between 30 minutes and an hour before bedtime. Leaving this window gives the herbs a chance to kick in before you start trying to wind down for bed. During this time, it can be helpful to start practicing your unwinding routine.

Leveling Up Your Bedtime Ritual

If you’re struggling to get the rest you need, it may be a sign that your bedtime ritual needs some work. 

What you do before bed matters – some nighttime habits can leave you stressed, jittery, and wide-awake, while others can make you feel calm, relaxed, and ready for rest. It’s up to you to decide how you use your evenings and the calming habits that you include in your nightly routine. 

Below are a few key practices to include in your nighttime regimen, as well as a few things to avoid.

Practice nightly meditation. 

Meditating before bed can help you relax, slow down, and get ready to transition from waking life into sleep. While some people practice meditation as a spiritual or religious discipline, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Meditation can simply involve calming your mind, sitting in a quiet space, and focusing on slowing your breathing and thinking positively. The result? Reduced stress and anxiety, which can help you sleep!

Exercise daily

Moving your body can help you release energy, which helps to prevent you from getting restless at night. Exercising also promotes the release of hormones called endorphins, which are associated with increased feelings of pleasure and contentment. When you exercise, you’re setting yourself up to sleep better, even if your workout of choice isn’t particularly intense. Just 30 minutes of daily movement of any type may make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Sleep in a cool environment. 

Your body temperature falls at night as part of your natural circadian rhythm. To support your body’s natural cycle of sleeping and waking, try to keep your bedroom cool. Between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit is an ideal temperature for the room where you sleep.

Read or journal before bed. 

Focusing on a quiet, peaceful activity can help to calm your mind and get you ready to sleep. If you tend to watch TV or spend time on your phone before sleeping, try ditching these habits and swapping them for something screen-free. The blue light from your screens can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm, which can make you restless at bedtime.

Limit your PM caffeine intake. 

Drinking too much caffeine can make you jittery and anxious, and it can also lead to energy crashes as well as cause headaches when that happens. However, a little bit of caffeine in the AM usually won’t cause problems for your sleep or your daytime energy. To stop your caffeine intake from interfering with your sleep, cut off your consumption of coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks by noon if possible. 


Creating a calming nighttime routine, along with taking herbal sleep aids, can help you get the rest that you need each night. By getting your 7-8 hours of sleep each night, you can improve your mood, your focus, and your mental energy during the day. Getting enough sleep can also help you fight stress, maintain a productive, happy life, and much more.

To learn more about how R3SET supplements can help you sleep, make sure to check out our blog. There, you’ll find plenty of helpful information about the benefits of our stress-fighting supplements, as well as guidelines for setting up a healthy, well-rounded stress management routine!



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